
List of Seminars

# 15 NOV 2024 (12:00)

Mario Riccio

Exploring the dynamics of bubbles inside complex fluids with CFD simulations.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/avz-cjex-rog)

# 18 OCT 2024 (12:00)

Mengyun Wang

Chemical Analysis and Degradation Mechanisms in Water Treatment: A Multi-faceted Approach with Hydrogen Peroxide Detection and Pharmaceutical Residue Degradation.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/avz-cjex-rog)

# 27 SEP 2024 (12:00)

Fernando Raul Licapa

Advances in finite volume methods for the simulation of single-phase flow in porous media.
in Google Meet meet.google.com/avz-cjex-rog

# 20 SEP 2024 (12:00)

Mario Caballero Yus

Reconstruccion estocastica de medios porosos granulares 3D para simulacion de procesos de adsorcion.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/avz-cjex-rog)

# 16 Jul 2024 (12:30)

Luis Sanchez Fuster

Calibration methods for the numerical and mathematical simulation of fluid-structure interaction in systemic arterial circulation.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/wdp-yjkr-zaq)

# 15 Jul 2024 (12:30)

Paula Cabrero Lample

Influence of the pressure distribution in free surface simulation models.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/wdp-yjkr-zaq)

# 21 Jun 2024 (12:00)

Sergio Martinez/Jose Segovia

HPC hydro-erosive models and Sentinel-2 imagery to assess soil loss in large-scale catchments.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/avz-cjex-rog)

# 7 Jun 2024 (12:00)

Taha Poonawala

Suspended droplet tests of difficult-to-burn liquid fuels in flame-like conditions.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/avz-cjex-rog)

# 24 May 2024 (12:00)

Javier Fernández Pato

Programación extrema aplicada a la agronomía.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/avz-cjex-rog)

# 10 May 2024 (12:00)

Pablo Vallés

Modelo lagrangiano para el transporte de partículas en inundaciones repentinas.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/avz-cjex-rog)

# 26 Abr 2024 (12:00)

Javier Orera

Una tecnica PINN para el modelo 1D de flujo en arterias.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/avz-cjex-rog)

# 8 Mar 2024 (12:00)

Pablo Solan

Un modelo reducido de tipo POD para flujo de aguas poco profundas en aproximacion 1D y 2D.
Seminario Departamento CTMF (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/avz-cjex-rog)

# 23 Feb 2024 (12:00)

Juan Mairal

Boundary conditions in 1D Shallow Channels through the exact solution of the Riemann Problem.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/avz-cjex-rog)

# 9 Feb 2024 (12:00)

Massimiliano M. Villone

On the effects of hydrodynamic interactions among cells for microfluidic holographic cyto-tomography.(Download)
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/mqi-dhfq-qzs)

# 15 Dic 2023 (12:30)

Mohamad Asrardel

Quantifying the Influence of Experimental Artifacts on Isolated Droplet Evaporation Tests.
Seminario Departamento CTMF (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/maw-rmkq-zqo)

# 24 Nov 2023 (12:00)

Javier Blasco

Experiencias docentes usando herramientas online de calculo y gamificacion.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/dtz-waaq-max)

# 22 Sep 2023 (12:30)

Victor Loras

Introduccion a NN y PINN como herramienta en Mecanica de Fluidos Computacional.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/dtz-waaq-max)

# 8 Sept 2023 (12:00)

Paula Martínez Lera

A finite-element method for fluctuating hydrodynamics.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/dtz-waaq-max)

# 14 Jul 2023 (13:00)

José Ortega

Predicción del avance de coladas de lava mediante simulación numérica.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/avz-cjex-rog)

# 7 Jul 2023 (13:00)

Carlos Aguilar

Comparación de métodos de integración temporal para problemas transitorios en Mecánica de Fluidos.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/avz-cjex-rog)

# 16 June 2023 (12:00)

Javier Guallart

Análisis de flujos turbulentos mediante simulación numérica.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/dtz-waaq-max)

# 26 May 2023 (12:00)

Zuyao Xiao

Ionic diffusiophoresis: experiments and simulations.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet meet.google.com/yqj-thiq-veh)

# 15 May 2023 (11:00-12:00)

Volker Roeber

Development of a Phase-resolving Computer Model for Operational Coastal Flooding Assessment.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet: meet.google.com/wct-xxyy-exh)

# 15 May 2023 (12:00-13:00)

Volker Roeber

Multi-scale wave processes along the Basque coast.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet: meet.google.com/wct-xxyy-exh)

# 5 May 2023 (12:00)

Cordula Reisch

Examples of gaining insight from hierarchical model families.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2) (also in Google Meet: meet.google.com/avz-cjex-rog)

# 28 April 2023 (12:00)

Juan Mairal

La corrección de la entropía con términos fuente para los métodos ARoe y HLLS.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo (also in Google Meet: meet.google.com/qpf-adaq-sdu)

# 31 March 2023 (12:00)

Victor Javier Lorente

Towards better understanding of the Ekman layer through Noether's conservation laws.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo (also in Google Meet: meet.google.com/gui-cvpd-pxn)

# 10 March 2023 (12:00)

Alejandro Tejedor

Caracterización de las formas de la superficie terrestre y su evolución bajo la erosión y deposición fluvial: perspectiva a través de patrones emergentes.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo.

# 20 Ene 2023 (12:00)

Salvador Izquierdo

Modeling and simulation of anaerobic digestion processes for optimizing organic waste valorization.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo.

# 15 Dic 2022 (12:00)

Javier Murillo

Flujo en uniones de vasos elásticos en flujo transcritico. Aplicación a cambios posturales.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo.

# 2 Dic 2022 (12:00)

Sergio Martínez

Free surface velocity measurement in highly-transient viscoplastic flows: combining NIR surface detection and PIV techniques.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo.

# 25 Nov 2022 (12:00)

Sergio Gutiérrez

Técnicas de IA para la resolución de ecuaciones diferenciales y su utilidad en mecánica de fluidos.
Google Meet: meet.google.com/vsv-sgyn-wfa

# 18 Nov 2022 (12:00)

Adrián Navas

A very high order finite volume Implicit Large Eddy Simulation solver for the simulation of compressible and atmospheric flows.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo.

# 28 Oct 2022 (12:00)

Marco De Corato

Interplay of fluid mechanics, rheology and chemical reactions at the microscale: from biomedicine to energy.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo.

# 21 Oct 2022 (12:00)

Soledad Le Clainche Martínez

Modal decompositions and other machine learning tools to develop reduced order models for fluid dynamics applications.
Google Meet: meet.google.com/dnp-ccje-bfd

# 7 Oct 2022 (12:00)

Eugene O'Riordan

Robust numerical methods for problems with layers.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo.

# 15 Sep 2022 (12:00)

Agnese Baldoni

OSMODIN: OSservazione e MOdellazione dell'idromorfoDINamica estuarina e costiera. Observation and Modelling of the estuarine and coastal hydromorphodynamics.
Google Meet: meet.google.com/ssr-vojs-bcu

# Older seminars


Click to see the list of seminars from previous years