Numerical Simulation of Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH).
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Modelling Strategies for Large Eddy Simulation of high-speed reacting flows.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Modeling wildfire dynamics through a physics-based approach incorporating fuel moisture and landscape heterogeneity.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Using PINNs for inverse data-driven stiffness identification in 0D arterial networks.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Some progress in studying the deflection angle and turbulence of ocean surface currents through Noether symmetries.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Exploring the dynamics of bubbles inside complex fluids with CFD simulations.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Hydrology and Fluid Mechanic: From earth to marine science.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Chemical Analysis and Degradation Mechanisms in Water Treatment: A Multi-faceted Approach with Hydrogen Peroxide Detection and Pharmaceutical Residue Degradation.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Advances in finite volume methods for the simulation of single-phase flow in porous media.
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Reconstruccion estocastica de medios porosos granulares 3D para simulacion de procesos de adsorcion.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Calibration methods for the numerical and mathematical simulation of fluid-structure interaction in systemic arterial circulation.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Influence of the pressure distribution in free surface simulation models.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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HPC hydro-erosive models and Sentinel-2 imagery to assess soil loss in large-scale catchments.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Suspended droplet tests of difficult-to-burn liquid fuels in flame-like conditions.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Programación extrema aplicada a la agronomía.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Modelo lagrangiano para el transporte de partículas en inundaciones repentinas.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Una tecnica PINN para el modelo 1D de flujo en arterias.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Un modelo reducido de tipo POD para flujo de aguas poco profundas en aproximacion 1D y 2D.
Seminario Departamento CTMF
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Boundary conditions in 1D Shallow Channels through the exact solution of the Riemann Problem.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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On the effects of hydrodynamic interactions among cells for microfluidic holographic cyto-tomography.(Download)
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Quantifying the Influence of Experimental Artifacts on Isolated Droplet Evaporation Tests.
Seminario Departamento CTMF
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Experiencias docentes usando herramientas online de calculo y gamificacion.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Introduccion a NN y PINN como herramienta en Mecanica de Fluidos Computacional.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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A finite-element method for fluctuating hydrodynamics.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Predicción del avance de coladas de lava mediante simulación numérica.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Comparación de métodos de integración temporal para problemas transitorios en Mecánica de Fluidos.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Análisis de flujos turbulentos mediante simulación numérica.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Ionic diffusiophoresis: experiments and simulations.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Development of a Phase-resolving Computer Model for Operational Coastal Flooding Assessment.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Multi-scale wave processes along the Basque coast.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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Examples of gaining insight from hierarchical model families.
Seminario I3A (Bloque 5 planta 2)
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La corrección de la entropía con términos fuente para los métodos ARoe y HLLS.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo
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Towards better understanding of the Ekman layer through Noether's conservation laws.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo
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Caracterización de las formas de la superficie terrestre y su evolución bajo la erosión y deposición fluvial: perspectiva a través de patrones emergentes.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo.
Modeling and simulation of anaerobic digestion processes for optimizing organic waste valorization.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo.
Flujo en uniones de vasos elásticos en flujo transcritico. Aplicación a cambios posturales.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo.
Free surface velocity measurement in highly-transient viscoplastic flows: combining NIR surface detection and PIV techniques.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo.
Técnicas de IA para la resolución de ecuaciones diferenciales y su utilidad en mecánica de fluidos.
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A very high order finite volume Implicit Large Eddy Simulation solver for the simulation of compressible and atmospheric flows.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo.
Interplay of fluid mechanics, rheology and chemical reactions at the microscale: from biomedicine to energy.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo.
Modal decompositions and other machine learning tools to develop reduced order models for fluid dynamics applications.
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Robust numerical methods for problems with layers.
Seminario Departamento CTMF, Ed. Torres Quevedo.
OSMODIN: OSservazione e MOdellazione dell'idromorfoDINamica estuarina e costiera. Observation and Modelling of the estuarine and coastal hydromorphodynamics.
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